Sunday, March 13, 2011

Your opinion!

I seriously can not decide which edit I like more. I need all of your opinions! Which one do you like better and why?


Brittany said...

I like them both, but the second one looks more natural and unaltered, which I like. If I were to hang one on the wall, it would be the second one. However, I do really like the warm pink tones in the first one. If I had a vintagey (yep, not even a word...) frame, the first one would go in that on a nightstand or dresser or something.

Well, that was a longer comment than anticipated. :) Both are great!

Anonymous said...

Top one.

Lindsey Orton said...

haha I really like Brittany's comment. I like the bottom one! Both are awesome though! Chelsea is stunning.

Jen said...

I would say the first one because I like how there's more of a contrast between her dress and the color of the background...but that's just me :) she looks beautiful!

Hottie behind you said...

I Love You .. more than i love your moms peanut butter pie!

Cristi & McKay Morley said...

Top one

Unknown said...

i like the first one as well her dress and everything just seems to stand out more.

Unknown said...

i like the top one, it looks like she is glowing ha and i agree with jen it makes her dress and everything stand out more, but both are sooo pretty!

Kanani said...

Bottom is my favorite! Nicole said...

I think i like the bottom one better! It just looks more natural! but they are both awesome! :)

axpence said...

Bottom one for sure!

Jen said...

I change my mind. Looking at it again, it looks more real and natural in the second one. And it just looks more clean with the salt and her dress being more white. Sorry I'm changing my vote haha